
Monday, 27 June 2011

How to be a Successful Businessman

We everyone wants to be succeed in our life. Our main motto is to earn huge money and stable financially. Some of us get stable and better career by doing good job, in other hand some of us try better luck in making own business. Those who does the job they are familiar and presumptuous that end of the day or week or month they will be paid their wages. But other side, the crowd of businessman is diligent to calculate and intend that how their business will run and grow. So that it will return them the potential wages.
The point is how to run a business. Let’s think about how to be a successful

Terminal server has exceeded maximum number of allowed connections: Solution

Generally as Terminal Client you work with desktop. But while working based on the Terminal Server environment, you may require accessing the server remotely from desktop. In this case, RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) access is to be enabled to the server as per Microsoft package. RDP is the way to establish the connection between the Terminal Server and the Terminal Server Client. At the same time at client end RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) is getting used to make a communication with server.
But connecting to the server through remote

Friday, 24 June 2011

Woman’s Love… eternal gift

Love - a word beautifully signifies the connection, expression of attachment between two or more. It makes the meaning of relationship where two or a group to be conjugated with each other. In our life, we find the bond in two different ways. Sometimes we create the bond, sometimes we get bonded naturally.

When we get life, our identity is null to ourselves. Being unfamiliar about the relationship, connection, attachment just we smile, through our expression towards the existence. But gradually with the instruction and guidance of the surroundings we get familiar about the same.

We get bonded in some relationships which are universal and natural, such as relationship between parents-children, brother-sister, brother-brother and sister-sister. These relationships we get as per the creation of supreme power-God. We don’t have any choice to create the relationship here; it is just readymade gift to us. It is universal.

But apart from these readymade relationships, we create one more relation in our life

How to work with MS PAINT

How to Work with Microsoft Paint
MS Paint or Microsoft Paint is image editing tools which comes along with Microsoft Operating System. It is inbuilt basic application by Microsoft, helps user later to learn other advance graphic tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Corel Draw etc.
MS Paint allows you to create, copy, edit images whether it is new or scanned.  There are other elaborate features are enabled which help you to manipulate the image like resizing, stretching, skewing, flipping or rotating horizontally / vertically and also changing the resolution of the image.
To launch MS Paint:
       There are two ways to open the MS Paint-